Evil Yumminess in the Land of Giant Cupcakes

July 21, 2010

Cupcake Massacre

Filed under: Cake,Cupcake,mascarpone — by queenofevilyumminess @ 3:14 PM
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I don’t think that I have ever, EVER had a batch of cupcakes turn out this ugly. Don’t get me wrong, they still tasted delicious, but they looked terrible. After making a tiramisu cake a while back, I fell in love with mascarpone. It is so creamy and light. I did a search one afternoon for cupcake/cake recipes that included mascarpone. I found the following recipe at Pickycook.com, and the pictures sold me.

The recipe was easy and came together easily. However, I chose to follow the recipe exactly and filled the cupcake liners almost to the top. I thought perhaps the cupcakes didn’t bake up as much as a normal on would. WRONG! They baked up like normal and ended up with a significant edge all around the cupcake. This in itself wouldn’t have been a bad thing, but these cupcakes are really heavy and creamy, so they didn’t hold together when I took them out of the pan. The paper liners came off and the cupcakes slumped. The few that I had filled with less batter managed to hold it all together, barely.

Anyway, this is what I ended up with…a cupcake massacre!

Keep in mind, though, that these cupcakes had been sitting in my fridge for a couple of days after I had glazed them. The glaze looked much prettier when I first applied it. I still have big, big plans for these little guys, though. Actually, I have plans for modifying the recipe and adding some extra oomph. I’ll make sure to post the changes to the recipe and picture of the end result. Hopefully, the end result of the next batch will look much, much better than these last sorry suckers!

Maybe if I had baked them longer they wouldn’t have fallen apart, but then they wouldn’t have been so creamy and moist. This recipe apparently originated from the FoodNetwork star Giada De Laurentiis. It just goes to show that the recipe is not always correct, no matter who writes it.

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